
Welcome to”OurHus.com”. This website was created as part of establishing Vernon’s Community Coalition Against Substance Abuse*. Realizing that our environment not only shapes us but we shape it,  and that to a large extent we are a product of our environment, this website has been created for all Vernon residents. It is one part and one way that we as a community can help each other and our community as a whole. Like  each of our homes, “OurHus”**  is a social community, a “safe haven” where one can play, grow, rest, seek solace,  ask for advice or help, learn, be nurtured,  and know that we are always “Welcome”.  VTHS is home(hus) of the Vikings athletic teams!

*Part of CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) which is part of a national program.

**Hus is Viking for House – so “OurHus” is Our House – technically should have been “RHus” but that website was already taken, as was “OurHouse”.